Monday, August 3, 2009

You're Gonna Spend It Anyway...

So. Here I am at my favorite place-- just me and the bargain buys. I have to be somewhere in thirty but I don't feel like running so, I take my time. Better late than never, I tell myself. With Michelle Obama: First Lady of Fashion and Style under my arm, I turned to take one last look before going back to the counter to pick up the couple of CDs I'd left behind. And there it was. Should I Do What I Love? (or do what I do-- so I can do what I love on the side) Those of you who have been following this blog know that I've often asked myself this very question. I still have no answer. So, I figured, You're gonna spend it anyway....and I bought it.


Joe said...

Please come back to us 2Sense. You can't keep us hangin like that. A lot of us enjoy reading your blog.

CraigJC said...

I co-sign that. We want to see and hear from thos beautiful eyes more often:) Take care.

Nicole said...

Thanks guys!! I'll be back! I promise! Life has just been a little hectic lately! But that's only more blog material so be on the lookout!!


Shan @ Design Gal said...

just stumbled upon your blog and it's fantastic! thanks for sharing your thoughts and ideas!