Recently, I've found myself being quiet more often. Of course, I don't ignore people when they are talking to me but I don't initiate conversation much any more. I find myself avoiding verbalization, actually. I know that sounds strange at first but there's a reason. I prefer gathering information over divulging these days so, even if I can contribute, I refrain from interjecting (because the satisfaction of discovering the thoughts of others makes my silence worthwhile). When I do speak, I try to speak with purpose. As a matter of fact, to "be" with purpose is my self-improvement goal. This may not make much sense to those of you who do not know me but I often do things for no good reason (or at least I used to). I liked to say that I was led by "my spirit" but in actuality, I was just being careless. So, I speak less to give myself an opportunity to think, ponder, and consider. There are still times in which even after careful consideration, I draw a blank. These are the moments that I close my eyes and jump! (Metaphorically speaking of course. I can't jump around with my eyes closed all the time because then, people would think I'm crazy.) But it is here in my quiet place that I am able to hear His voice clearly. This comfort allows me to blindly take that leap and know there is a perfect landing. So, if you see me "be"-ing quietly, don't mind me. I'm just waiting for a word from God.
"But it is here in my quiet place that I am able to hear His voice clearly. This comfort allows me to blindly take that leap and know there is a perfect landing," -- Well said!!! I think we all should take the time and listen more. To hear from God is what we all should strive to do, but to also become better listeners/observers as well. The Bible says in James 1:19 that we should be swift to hear, slow to speak, and slow to wrath. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
Once again, you are so welcome!! Keep those comments coming! lol
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